P&C meet twice a term on a Tuesday in the Administration block at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a group of community-minded
people, parents and citizens, who take on a more active role in assisting the
school. This is done by providing feedback on school policies and activities,
suggesting additional resources to be used to enhance student learning, and
providing parents with opportunities to be involved in their child’s education.
objective of the P&C is to promote the interests of, and facilitate the
development and further improvement of the school; by promoting parent
participation, encouraging close cooperation between parents, students and
staff and promoting positive community support. P&C members have an active
say in the development of school policies, procedures and
initiatives. Members also have an opportunity to provide feedback to the
school administration on a variety of topics relevant to the management of the
President Barbara Battams
Vice President Madonna Wilkes
Secretary Christine McIntosh
Treasurer Lisa-Maree Gibson
Fundraising Coordinator Vacant
Tuckshop/Uniform Convenor Vanessa Arnold
carers and community members are welcome to join the William Ross State High
school P&C association. Our P&C Association is an integral part of
the school and we are very proud of the role the parents have played in shaping
our school. There are many ways in which you can become involved in the school
and as a family new to the area this is also a great way to meet new
meetings are informal and are a terrific way of finding out what is happening
in the school and what is being planned. All parents/carers and community
members are welcome to attend. William Ross State High school is a
progressive school to be a part of and we plan for our students to transition
smoothly and be successful.
Contact details for the P&C are: pandc@williamrossshs.eq.edu.au