
Student Resources Scheme Information



William Ross State High School
Student Resource Scheme
Annual Parent Information

The Queensland Government supports students’ education by providing a Textbook and Resource Allowance (see information overleaf) for:

• Instruction, eg. teachers
• Facilities, eg. buildings, amenities, furniture
• Administration, eg. staffing and resources to administer the operations of the school.

Funding does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, computer or musical equipment for personal use, and many items used/consumed by the student in the classroom. Supply of these items is the responsibility of parents.

To provide parents with a cost-effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, William Ross State High School operates an SRS.
The scheme ensures that students have the resources required for them to engage with the curriculum for their education, and saves parents time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. Savings are gained through the school’s bulk purchasing practices and hiring arrangements. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the resources and operation of the scheme.
The scheme’s operation, resource inclusions and participation fees are approved annually by the school’s P&C Association.

SRS Participation
The objective of the scheme is to provide a convenient and cost-effective way for students to access the educational resources necessary to enhance their learning experience at school. The Department encourages parents to participate in the scheme. Participation in the SRS is optional, and no obligation is placed on a parent to participate. Participation is for the duration of your child’s enrolment at the school.

Student is new to the school.….
Parents are required to complete and return the SRS Participation Agreement Form when joining the scheme for the first time, prior to the first day of enrolment. If no participation form is received by this time, the school will take the view that the parent has chosen to opt out of the SRS. The parent is then required to provide the educational resources listed in the SRS for their child by the start of the school year. A parent can opt in or out of the scheme in subsequent years by completing another Participation Agreement Form.
Continuing student of the school…..
A parent’s participation or non-participation in the scheme will continue as per their previously completed Participation Agreement Form. A parent can opt in or out of the scheme in subsequent years by completing another Participation Agreement Form.
If a parent has opted out of the scheme the parent is required to provide the educational resources listed in the SRS for their child by the start of the school year. Year level resources list can be found on the school website.

Resource Inclusions
All resources included in the SRS are detailed in the SRS Resource list which is available by contacting the school. This is a comprehensive list of all resources included in the scheme and their associated costs.
− Parents must inform the school if items on the list of resources are not received by their child when resources are distributed.

Costing Methodology
The schools SRS fee is calculated based on a flat fee for all students in the school. Please refer to the SRS Resource list for the associated costings.

Type of Resources provided
Generally, the three types of resources that could be included are:
• Owned – these items are retained by the student and used as required (eg. stationery, exercise books, student diary).
• Used – these items are used/consumed in class by the student (eg. industry technology/cooking/art supplies).
− work/items produced from these resources will remain the property of the student.
• Hired – these items are hired to the student for their personal use for a specific period of time (eg. textbooks, musical
instruments, laptops).
− Hired items must be returned to the school in good condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves
the school.
− A repair or replacement cost may be charged to the parent for any hired items that are damaged or not returned.
The Textbook and Resource Allowance
The Department of Education provides a Textbook and Resource Allowance (TRA) to assist parents with the cost of textbooks
and other education resources for eligible Years 7 to 12 students. For those students who are eligible to receive the TRA, the
TRA will be applied to reduce the cost of participation in the SRS. Information on the TRA can be found on the department’s
For example, the 2024 TRA is.

Years 7 to 10 -  $155
Years 11 to 12 - $337

The SRS Participation Fee
The SRS fee payable for the year is available in the attached information and published on the school’s website.
This also includes the TRA component which has been deducted to reduce the SRS fee payable.
* If the cost of the SRS is equal to the TRA rate, no SRS Fee is payable.

Financial Hardship
Parents experiencing financial hardship who are currently participating or wish to participate in the SRS should contact the
school to discuss available options in confidence.

Payment Arrangement
Several payment options including a single payment for the full year’s fee or term instalments are available. An instalment
plan can also be negotiated with the school.
Any unpaid invoices, will be managed according to the department’s Debt Management Procedure and may result in the
student being excluded from the scheme and/or from participating in non-curricular activities until payment is made

Payment Method
SRS payments can be made by BPOINT, Qkr (CBA App), EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card), Centrepay.
• When paying by BPOINT, please use the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and invoice number printed on
the invoice received from the school. If unsure of the CRN, please contact the school.
• The Qkr app can be downloaded through Google Play or the App Store, the registration process is very simple.
• Centrepay deductions are available to Centrelink customers. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option. Go to for more information on how to set up your Centrepay deductions or please contact
the school.

Contact Us
For all queries regarding the SRS and its inclusions, please contact the school and arrange an appointment with the Principal
or Business Manager.


Last reviewed 12 December 2024
Last updated 12 December 2024